Claire’s trip to 10 Downing Street

My name is Claire-May Minett, 45 and I have a rare condition called Mosaic Down Syndrome. I was invited by the National Down Syndrome Policy Group to attend the celebrations of World Down Syndrome Day at number 10 Downing Street on the 21st of March. I was having a nice meal with a friend of mine in Penrith the night before and I remember accidently saying 10 Down Syndrome Street. Sure enough on the day, someone was there with a plaque saying Down Syndrome Street. It was amazing, I went inside number 10 and met some new people I am already following. I met a model and actor Brandon Gruber, the wonderful George Webster CBeebies and Stephen McCann who has a relation with down syndrome. On the day there were speeches from Ken Ross, a female MP and Tommy Jessop. I also met up with a few friends. It was fantastic to commemorate the day in a special place with lots of people whom I adore. 

Claire-May Minett

national down syndrome

The NDSPG supports people with Down syndrome to have a say in the formation of policy in matters that impact their lives. 

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