Heidi and the Down Syndrome Bill

People with Down syndrome are still not getting into schools and doctors and people say hurtful things and move us along to be someone’s else problem or they just leave our parents with the problem and that makes me sad. People need to get to know us better. So, I support a Down Syndrome Bill. I know that there is already an Autism Bill so it’s helped me understand about what a Bill means.

When we are born people can see we have Down syndrome and that means something. It could lead to good care but some of the time it leads to bad attitude and that’s not right.

There’s a Down Syndrome screening programme for pregnant women and it could be good but it hasn’t made good things happen for people with Down syndrome yet. We need people to know about our super powers. I’m fired up about making a Bill work for us!

I support the Down Syndrome Bill because it’s time my friends with Down syndrome get the right medical care and the right to support. Then people like me can show how it can work. We did a talk at the World Down Syndrome Congress about how my husband, James Bryn Carter, and I live on our own. ‘Interdependent’ is a word my friend Sally Phillips used; depend on each other. I like that, we can aim for that surely.

I want to help everyone with Down syndrome to live their best lives and for that to happen something big has to change for people with Down syndrome. We ask our community to support the Down Syndrome Bill.

national down syndrome

The NDSPG supports people with Down syndrome to have a say in the formation of policy in matters that impact their lives. 

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